Neuheimer Tree Care faces unique challenges when dealing with insect and pest control within the Windsor, Ontario and Essex County areas. Not only is our distinctive ecosystem vulnerable to invasive insects, traveling and movement of trees, plants and wood often brings new pests into the area. Although bylaws may restrict the movement of firewood and non-native species of plants, insects and pests still find a way into our yards and forests.
Good Versus Evil
There are hundreds of species of insect that can be found on your property at any one time. Although we may not be fond of insects, not all of them are bad. Beneficial bugs such as the Praying Mantis provide valuable insect control of harmful or destructive insects. That is why the services of a certified arboritst is essential in determining if, in fact, there is an infestation in a tree or tree population. We care about trees and that means preserving the beneficial insects that may be helping us do our job.
When there is an infestation, however, we want to make sure that insect and pest control is effective as soon as possible. Insects can decimate a tree population with devastating results. In the recent past, we were overwhelmed by the loss of trees to the Emerald Ash Borer.
Beneficial Bugs
- Praying Mantis
- Ladybug
- Honey Bees
- Green Lacewing
- Spiders
- Thrips
- Dragonflies
- Bumble Bees
- Butterflies
- Silk Moth
- Crickets
Harmful Insects
- Gypsy Moth
- Emerald Ash Borer
- Tent Caterpillars
- Aphyds
- Earwigs
- Spider Mites
- Weevils
- Canker Worms
- Bark Beetles
- Termites
- Fruit Tree Worms
Insect Control
Because insects burrow and lay eggs, sometimes deep within the tree or in the soil near the roots, a single application during one season may not be enough. Insect life cycles may dictate up to several applications in different seasons in order to be effective. Neuheimer Tree Care arborists use effective methods of insect control including those that are environmentally friendly and safe for use around children and pets. When more intrusive methods of control are required, we will present you with all the options so that you can make an informed decision that will meet your needs and eradicate invasive pests.